Revitalize the Heart of Your Home

Published: Sun, 01/29/12

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Hello Everyone,

January passed very quickly for me. Did it for you too? The yeaPegr of the Yang Water Dragon began with Chinese New Year on January 23rd. The day to make annual adjustments in your home is February 4th (or thereafter).The reason for the different dates is the Lunar New Year vs. the Solar New Year. The big celebrations happen with the Lunar New Year. This date is flexible and changes annually. The Solar New Year is a fixed date, so every Feb 4th is the date to refresh the energy of your home and workplace to align with the energies of the year. 

If you would like to learn more about some easy adjustments you can make this year, join my upcoming webinar on Monday evening, January 30th. It will be recorded and everyone who registers will receive a link to replay it on your computer or iPad.
We have a full moon Tuesday, Feb 7th and a new moon in Pisces on Tuesday, Feb 21. February is a good month to set intentions for your health and to adjust the center of your home. Read the article below for more details.
If you've been feeling eager to start new projects but they haven't gotten off the ground, it may be that you are in tune with the current energy of Mars retrograde. This winter is a time for strategic planning. The time to roll new projects out begins in mid- April. Read more about this below: A Bit About Our Times. If there is enough interest, I'll run my program "Change Your Life in 30 Days" as a webinar to help you through this cycle. Contact me.

February 29th is Leap Day. Those of us of a certain age might remember Al Capp's Sadie Hawkins Day from the Li'l Abner comic strip.). Somehow February 29th became the unofficial Sadie Hawkins Day, even though Capp designated it annually as the first Saturday after November 9th. This may have come from the British tradition of women proposing marriage to men during leap years and eventually only on Leap Day. If you came of age after 1978, let Wikipedia fill in the gap. The comic strip inspired dances where girls ask boys out.

On another matter, I'd like your input. During the past few weeks I've gotten onto a regular blogging schedule of three times weekly. You've been receiving an email notice with each post. Some of you may find this annoying. If so, my apologies! My questions are:
  1. Would you like to receive a notice about each blog post and
  2. If so, would you prefer a notice when they are posted (so you can read them as they come along) or would you prefer one notice at the end of each week?
I'd love to hear from you!
Enjoy the month of February!  In NH we have been blessed with a relatively mild winter. We've had relatively little snow and more warm, sunny days than usual.

Embrace your true self
in a healthy, supportive and
nurturing environment.

I love synchronicity. It contributes to ease and flow and adds a magical feeling ... a feeling of support and that somehow things are just right. We have a bit of that this month! February is typically a month when our focus shifts to love and relationships. This year the February 21 new moon in Pisces coincides with the Center area of Heart of Your Home. It is a very good month to focus on YOU and what lies deep within your heart. It is a time to further develop your authentic self.

The new moon in Pisces may stir a deeper sense of life's meaning from within, leading you to profound self-introspection while you explore more of your creative interests (art, music) and dream world. You may set yourself on a path to discover more meaning in your life and your relationships, find ways to heal long standing issues, become inspired to do something completely new or open your heart to that
which you truly desire.

The Center gua and Heart of Your Home is the area to work with this month. (Note: These may be two distinct areas). The energy of the Center permeates throughout your entire house, just as your heart pumps blood throughout your body. After you clean and de-clutter the Center and Heart of your home, re-energize it using the Earth and Fire elements. The Center is an Earth area in the Feng Shui bagua and Earth is strengthened by Fire. Earth energy is represented by anything made from the earth: pottery, brick, clay, seashells, as well as square shapes and the colors yellow and brown (and fall colors). Fire energy is represented by anything in the red family, triangular shapes, electronics, light and sunlight. For the month of February you might bring in red, pink, or yellow tablecloths, candles, candlesticks, and flowers. You could set a beautiful table or a warm and create a warm and nurturing area to spend reflective time or share with family and friends.

The Center of our space is also about health. If you have any health issues, look for patterns in the center of your space that may provide clues about your condition or shifts to make. For instance, many people store chemical-laden cleaning products under their kitchen sink, which deplete the energy of their home. If this is the case in your home, move the products to another area. Also consider replacing your products with natural cleaning solutions.
Since the new moon is February 21, the two weeks prior to this are the ideal time to clear, clean and re-energize your space. You can get a head start and complete it before Valentine's Day. Then on the new moon day, take some time to mediate on your intentions and see how they begin to manifest as the full moon emerges on March 8th.

Q: Spring is coming! As much as we love it, the folks in my multifamily community prepare for basement flooding from a pesky underground stream. Even when we have the water controlled, and everything is dry, many of us can still feel a "drain." The big sump pump to control the water also lives in our basement. I am certain some good energy is "leaking out" through this. Any advice for leaky basements/underground streams?  Thanks :) Submitted by Catherine Brown via Facebook

A: Excellent question, Catherine. Many people face a similar situation. Excess water drains our energy as well as the energy of our homes and workplaces. On a physical level excess moisture water results in mildew, mold, wood rot, stagnation and more. From a health perspective, sleeping over underground water steams and pools or vortices can degrade the quality of your sleep and health. Many adverse health conditions are connected to people sleeping or sitting for long periods over deep, underground steams.
The first solution is practical. Take as many steps as you can to prevent water from overflowing or seeping  into the basement or ground floor. In addition to a sump pump, run a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels at 40-60% all year long. To minimize stagnation, circulate the air and draw in fresh air when possible. Also vacuum the area every few months to remove cobwebs, debris and anything else that has accumulated. Remove all clutter. This may be a challenge as clutter tends to accumulate in dark, dank places.

The second solution is to balance the Five Elements. From a feng shui perspective, Wood energy absorbs excess water, Fire consumes it and Earth dams it. Metal energy strengthens it. So, depending on the use of the space, you can make adjustments using Wood, Fire and Earth items, symbols and arrangements.

Plants are Wood energy. At minimum, I suggest placing a green plant (can be silk) on your sump pump cover.  You can also use striped or floral decor in the area as well as the colors blue and green. Tall, columnar shapes mimic tree trunks and fit well too. If you have columns in your basement, wrap green ivy around them to represent upward growth.

Fire energy is represented by anything in the red family, triangular shapes, electronics, light and sunlight. If the area is dark and you want to raise the energy, keep an "uplight" lit for a period of time. You could put it on a timer and light up the area for several hours each day or evening.

Earth energy is represented by anything made from the earth: pottery, brick, clay, seashells, as well as square shapes and the colors yellow and brown (think fall palette). Place your plant in a terracotta or clay pot. If plant doesn't feel appropriate or work for you, a square container of sea shells might be a better fit.

Minimize Metal and Water energy if you have excess water or moisture. Metal is all metal as well as the colors white and gray, as well as circular and oval shapes. Water energy is represented by itself as well as the colors black, dark blue and wavy, free-form shapes.

A dowser can help you determine if your bed is located over natural, underground water lines. I dowse as do most feng shui practitioners. If your bed is located over naturally occurring underground water lines and you do not sleep well or you have health problems, the best solution is to move your bed. Sometimes all it takes is moving the bed a few inches. This is something definitely worth checking out if anyone in the house does not sleep well or if you have colicky babies or children diagnosed with ADD,  ADHD, or autism. Children's bodies are very sensitive and easily sense energy. Contact me if you would like to discuss a particular situation.

Would you like your question answered in the March newsletter? If so, send it along to me via email or Facebook.

From January 23 through April 13 this year we'll be in an astrological cycle known as Mars Retrograde. It is the time for personal and business strategic planning for the next two years. During this 12 week period reconsider what you are doing, reflect on where you are headed, and take the time to put a plan in place to reach your goals. When you are ready to launch new projects, products or services, do so April 14th or later. You'll have better results. Life is always easier when we get in synch with the energy of the times and seasons rather than struggle against the current.

This period is also associated with anger, frustration and resentment. If you feel this happening, consider healing your old wounds for good. There are many ways to do so. One service I offer that helps with this are Emotional Freedom and Healing Release sessions. Also, Madeline Gerwick, author of the annual Good Timing Guide is offering special Mars Retrograde consultations to guide you during this period. Check them out if you are interested.
Also, from Madeline's "What Up In the Heavens" news: "Next Friday, on February 3rd, we have a very major change in the planets. Neptune will move into the sign of Pisces then. Neptune represents spirituality, transcendence, the oceans, images, oil, movies and TV, music, artistic pursuits, shoes, alcohol, coffee, and other beverages, and drugs of all types. Neptune is going back to her home sign of Pisces. Although she dipped her toe into her home sign last year for a few months, she's now here to stay until March 30, 2025. Prior to last year, the last time it entered this sign was in February, 1848. That's a 164-year cycle! So we want to extend a big "welcome home!" to Neptune. I'll talk more about this major cycle next week."

Upcoming Events
Feng Shui Webinar: Monday, January 30th, 2012
2012 Annual Feng Shui Changes for the Year of the Dragon
8:00pm - 9:00pm EDT
Every February 4th I adjust my home to bring it into balance with the New Year. 2Peg012 is the year of the Yang Water Dragon. We last had similar energies in 1952. Join this webinar for quick and easy tips and adjustments to balance the energies of 2012 in your home or workspace. The feng shui changes I'll discuss are rooted in classical feng shui and fit well with the Western approach. Not available at class time? You can still participate! This webinar will be recorded. A link will be sent via email to all participants.

Webinar fee: $27.00

Registration link

Fill in the form and be sure to include your email address so you can be sent a link for class.

Girls Night Out!
Just Naturals, Bedford, NH

March 8 anJust Naturalsd April 19, 2012
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Mark your calendar! This is a fun evening to take a time-out and pamper yourself or to just stop by and say "Hi!" Several services are complimentary, including 15 minute feng shui consultations, makeovers, reiki and massage. I have another commitment on March 8th, so I won't be there. I will be present on April 19th. Several other wellness practitioners are also there each month! Check it out

Introduction to Feng Shui
Mark Your Calendar . . .
6 week program begins Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Runs through May 16 no . . . no class April 25.
6:30 - 8:30pm

I've been teacRed Envelopeshing this program for over 10 years. It's an excellent program to learn the basics of feng shui and apply them to your own space. If you've tried to learn feng shui on your own and ended up unsure or confused, join this class. It's fun and informative.
This is an excellent class to re-take to refresh your knowledge and the energy of your home or business. You will learn feng shui at a deeper level.
School for Continuing Education
Salem High School, Salem, NH
Register with Karen Crandell: 603 893-7074
Fee: $45.00 (This is a bargain!!)

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultations,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearings, 
Short consultations via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Release sessions
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
one or more Coaching Sessions on any topic I cover
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

February Special:

Emotional Freedom & Healing Release Sessions
$85.00 (Regularly $125.00) Save $40.00!

Done via phone.
A great way to release entrenched patterns and deeply held emotions such as anger, frustration, resentment, overwhelm, old wounds, and more.
Contact Peg for more information.

Please share this newsletter as far as possible.

603 537-9954

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In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"I share my prosperity with others today."


Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?
Dorm Room Feng Shui  provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions. Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print.
Available here

Spektral Evidence
The Feng Shui Way
Click the link for an informational interview with Hudson, NH cable TV

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Peg (603) 537-9954

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