December 2011 News

Published: Fri, 12/02/11

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Hello Everyone,
Happy December! 2011 continues to race by. I thought tPeg Donahuehings might slow down a bit after October, but that hasn't been the case. November passed quickly. The surprise New England nor'easter at the end of October initiated a month of contrast. Power at my house was out for 6 days while the outage extended much longer in other areas. As luck would have it, I was minimally impacted on a personal level, providing a reflection on what is within as well as beyond our control and influence.

My husband and I were caught off-guard in NYC the day the storm arrived. It was a mere inconvenience. Sloshing through the wind and wet, heavy snow on NYC streets reminded us that we can now choose where we'd like to spend our winter months. Our eyes were opened as we traveled through CT and on to NH the following day. The damage from downed trees and power lines was widespread and the long gas lines brought back visions of the 1970's energy crisis.

Two days later we arrived in sunny San Diego where we stayed until mid-month. The warm weather, lush green lawns and gorgeous flowers everywhere reminded me that we do live in multiple universes! We were safe and comfortable while our family and friends back east were dealing with the aftermath of the stoBalboa Parkrm. I also experienced some very nice serendipity on 11/11/11.  Madeline Gerwick (author of The Good Timing Guide ) and I both happened to be in San Diego simultaneously, so we met for lunch. Later that day my husband and I had tea at one of our favorite places: the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park. When paying for the tea, my change was $11.11 on 11/11/11. Was this a mere coincidence? Maybe!

We left NH with the hum of generators and returned to the whiz of chain saws. Two weeks later the storm cleanup was still a massive job. Our home was just as we left it ... refrigerator completely empty, a few trees down in our yard and leaves and branches scattered everywhere. The debris that had been stirred up throughout town was still in the process of being cleared. With thanks to our neighbors and some hired help, our yard was cleaned up within days. What a difference it made. Returning to the storm debris felt somewhat chaotic. It was a reminder of what we walked away from and left behind. It didn't go away; it still needed to be dealt with.
For me, all of this is a metaphor and reflection about what is happening in my life. The outer world is a reflection of the inner world and visa versa. We don't have control over the larger forces at work but we do have control over our perception and subsequent reaction. As storms whirl all around us, our perception of them and reaction to them determines our experience. With the close of 2011, what is happening in your life? What storms are stirring and how are you reacting to them? What debris can you clear to make way for a year of transformation in 2012?
Take time this month to truly experience the holiday season in ways that bring you JOY!

P.S. Just as I am sending this out, southern CA is cleaning up from yesterday's massive wind storms. Massive shifting and change is happening everywhere on the planet.

Embrace your true self
in a healthy, supportive and
nurturing environment.

December is an excellent month to clean, clear and re-energize your "Fame" gua. This is the center back of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about illumination, clarity, vision, visibility, and integrity. It is also about stress and things that "burn us out."  What a perfect area to refresh prior to Hanukkah, Christmas and the various holidays we celebrate this month. They are all about bringing more light into our lives and they occur at the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. Light strengthens vision and clarity, something we can all use more of right now. Both natural and artificial light represent Fire in the Chinese Five Element system. Fire energy also relates to your heart and eyes.

As you work with your space, notice the patterns. They tend to repeat themselves. I often find the patterns come in groups of 3 ... so check, reassess and re-energize at least three Fame areas within your space this month or three aspects of one Fame area. If you look, I bet that you will find at least three things that need to be changed or adjusted in these areas, such as: removing dead or wilted plants, replacing light bulbs, vacuuming dust, washing windows, discarding clutter, thinning out catalogs, magazines and miscellaneous publications, clearing a closet. Excellent enhancements to the Fame gua this month include beautiful red poinsettias and Christmas trees. Fresh greens and plants, lights, the color red and triangular shapes are perfect in this area. Enhancements always come after the basics. After all, if you enhance a chaotic, stuck or cluttered area you are strengthening that quality of energy. As you shift your space and lighten it up, you shift obstacles and remove blockages. Doing this before adding any holiday decorations will bring more ease and flow to your life. I guarantee it.
Today I re-potted a few plants that are in my fame gua. I also cleared out excess catalogs and magazines. So many arrive daily at this time of year! Over the weekend I plan to give the room (my Family room) a deep cleaning. I'll wash the windows, vacuum the corners, furniture and heat registers, wash the light fixtures and dust thoroughly. Once this is complete, this room will be ready for our Christmas tree at mid-month!

On another synchronous note, we have a new moon in Capricorn on December 24th, Christmas Eve. According to Simone Butler, the Fame gua also corresponds to the sign of Capricorn. Do the connections amaze you? This sign is about you, your calling and your reputation. As you clean, refresh and revitalize the back center of your property (this sector of your house, your master bedroom, kitchen, office, garage, yard, etc.) between now and December 24th, you may find yourself reassessing your life. Just go with the flow and be honest with yourself. Where is your true passion? What is working well, what is not working, and what would you like to change? Now is the perfect time to begin setting intentions for 2012: a year of transformation. More about this next month. For now, remove excess, release clutter, bring in something new or fun, that you love, and enjoy the holidays!

A Personal Note ... I have been keeping a Synchronicity Journal throughout 2011. About an hour after I completed writing about the Fame gua for this newsletter I found out that I have a rare cataract in my left eye. There are no coincidences in our lives! As I am writing about Fire energy and vision, I am handed a personal case study. Of course I am activating all of my feng shui and energy tools and resources to resolve (or dissolve) this. I'll have it checked again in 3 months. Please send me positive healing energy to help clear this up without surgery. Miracles are possible. Just because something hasn't happened does not mean that it can't.

A Holiday Decorating Tip #1: Rather than simply add decorations to your space, replacing your everyday decor with your favorite holiday collections will create a calmer and more festive atmosphere. As you decorate for the holidays, tuck away your usual decor and decorations in your holiday boxes and return them when you put the holidays away for another year.  
Holiday Decorating Tip #2: Reassess all of your decor as you decorate for the holidays. Thin out what no longer works for you. Toss away what is broken, consider passing along some favorite heirlooms to family members and give away anything and everything that no longer brings you joy. Many of us have more than we need or can use. Make this a year-long project by reassessing each holiday as it comes along. By the end of the year your holiday decor will be thinned out and re-energized.

When we talk about balancing environments from a feng shui perspective, we are talking about making spaces feel great, given their purpose. The process involves balancing yin and yang energies as well as the Five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water). A feng shui practitioner can assess an environment and quickly determine the most appropriate adjustments. A recent situation involved a homeowner painting a family room wall in the Fame gua. The wall was a neutral shade and needed some color to help the room "pop." Fame is a Fire area, so one might typically think of adding red or even green (t o feed the fire). This room, however, has a high cathedral ceiling, large south-facing glass windows and a fireplace. Altogether, they bring in quite a bit of the Fire element. A warm golden brown color was chosen. Brown is an Earth color. Earth "uses up" or depletes excess Fire energy, which is exactly what happened in this case. The room now feels warm and friendly ... perfect for socializing, which is a Fire activity. Sometimes a small change makes a big difference!

Mercury turned retrograde Thanksgiving Day (through December 13th) and we had a Solar Eclipse the following day. Mercury is the planet associated with communications. It's a good idea to lighten your schedule, delay purchasing Christmas gifts, and communicate consciously, clearly and kindly. Mercury retrograde periods are not the time to purchase electronics or sign contracts. Save these activities for December 16th or later. This will provide time for Mercury to begin moving forward again. If you purchase electronics as gifts during this period, chances are that they will need to be returned for one reason or another. Save yourself the time and headaches!  
Mercury retrograde periods are excellent cycles to "re-something," such as reconsider, rework, redo, repair, recycle, reframe, renew, rewrite, refresh, retrieve, release and recover. These periods can also be very productive and creative. It's a good time to refresh your space and renew your energy. Then when Mercury turns direct you can put the holidays on fast forward and complete what you need to do.
Eclipses come in sets: the companion Lunar Eclipse comes December 10th. According to Madeline Gerwick, this "set of eclipses (Nov 24 - 25 and Dec 10) is related to a challenging period when strange and confusing events can occur related to relationships, financial challenges or possibly an illness. A loss of energy, confusion, despair and strange events are all possible. Because there's too much confusion to make an appropriate decision related to the event, wait until clarity returns before you make a decision. The eclipse event period runs from October 24th or 25th - December 24th - 25th."
The November 24th Solar Eclipse occurred at 2 degrees Sagittarius 37 minutes. If you have planets or personal points from 0 - 6 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini in your astrology chart, then this eclipse impacts you.
A Personal Note: My astrology chart is directly impacted by the November eclipse! Again there are no coincidences. My strange event is discovering the cataract. These things come up as challenges to move through.

Upcoming Events

Girls Night Out!

Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
December 15, 2011
3:00pm - 7:00pm

This is a fun evening to take a time-out and pamper yourself or to just stop by and say "Hi!" Several services are complimentary, including 15 minute feng shui consultations.

Begin 2012 on a Positive Note!

Join: The Art of Conscious Language Teleclass 

Thursdays, January 19 & 26, 2012

2:00 - 3:15pm Eastern Time / 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Pacific Time

Your language heavily impacts what happens in your life! This two-hour program focuses specifically on language and how you can create more prosperity by consciously choosing your words. As you talk to yourself and others, what energy are you creating? What stories are you telling? What patterns are you reinforcing? Language is a big key to creating more prosperity. Facilitators Peg Donahue and Madeline Gerwick will provide you several new ways to choose your words with care to create more prosperity.

Introduction to Feng Shui
Mark Your Calendar . . .
6 week program begins Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Runs through May 16 no . . . no class April 25.
6:30 - 8:30pm

I've been teaching this program for over 10 years. It's an excellent program to learn the basics of feng shui and apply them to your own space. If you've tried to learn feng shui on your own and ended up unsure or confused, join this class. It's fun and informative.

School for Continuing Education
Salem High School, Salem, NH
Register with Karen Crandell: 603 893-7074

Consultations and Related Services
Please contact me if you are interested in:
a Feng Shui Consultation,
a Space Clearing or Personal Clearing, 
answers to questions via phone or email,
an Emotional Freedom & Healing Tapping Release session
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
one or more Coaching Sessions on any topic I cover
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work on site as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

Lately I have been doing color consultations and a lot of space clearing.
603 537-9954

In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"Clearing my space filled with spirit and enthusiasm opens me to the abundant flow of prosperity."
Blog Posts

I loved blogging for Living Energy regularly during September and October. As we head into 2012, I'm putting a renewed focus on feng shui. Our environments hold the keys to what is working well and what needs to be changed.  I'll write blogs regularly through Feng Shui Connections and periodically through Living Energy. Making shifts on the outside assists with internal changes, on many levels. I'll also continue to write and circulate this newsletter with my perspective, insight and tips about managing your inner and outer energy to help you embrace your true self in a healthy, supportive and nurturing environment.

Feng Shui Connections Blog

 Gift Ideas!

Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?
Dorm Room Feng Shui  provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space

This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions. Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print.

Spektral Evidence
Click the link for an informational interview with Hudson, NH cable TV

Favorite Astrology Perspectives


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