January 2012 News

Published: Thu, 01/12/12

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Happy New Year!
2012 is the year of the Yang Water Dragon. The Lunar New Year (the big celebrations) is Monday, January 23rd. The Solar New Year (when youPeg Donahue refresh and change your cures) is February 4th. I'll send a separate Blog Post about this next week.

In the meantime, early January offers each of us an opportunity to begin anew. We get to clear the slate and bring our spaces and selves in alignment with our goals.  Doing so facilitates momentum and flow towards our desires.

To help make things happen for you this year:
  1. Be clear about what you really want. The energies continue to be fast moving and things are manifesting quickly. Many times what you don't want may show up simply because that is where you are placing your focus. A Vision Board is a wonderful tool for focus.

  2. Believe that what you desire can really happen. If you don't, it won't. If you do, it might! Your desires will happen when your energy is a match for them. It's as simple as that. Complexity enters the picture because of the mixed messages that we put forth ... clutter, low energy and blockages in our spaces and thoughts, feelings, words and beliefs that are contrary to what we say we want. Begin 2012 by really believing in yourself and your dreams.

  3. Get out of your own way so that what you want can come to you. Become conscious of your patterns of self sabotage ... these might include self talk that pushes things away from you, gossip about others misfortunes, repetitive stories about why things won't work, and much more ... so you can move beyond them.
I have two upcoming programs that can help you progress toward your goals. One is a two-session Conscious Language teleclass with Madeline Gerwick. The second is a 3 session local workshop with Karen Kallie. Check Upcoming Events further in this newsletter for more details.

I had very happy holidays and I hope you did too! I'm looking forward to all that 2012 brings.

A personal thank you to all of you who sent blessings and healing my way to clear my cataract! I really appreciate it. I made some changes in my space (particularly my Fire gua), I added some supplements and I'm consciously working with my energy and the "A" music scale. I'll let you know in a few months how it is progressing.

Embrace your true self
in a healthy, supportive and
nurturing environment.

The January 23rd new moon falls in Aquarius. Between now and then is an ideal time to clean, clear and re-energize your "Helpful People and Travel" gua. This is the front right of your space when you are facing in from the main entrance or door to your house, any room in your house, business or property. This area is about the right people coming to assist you at the right time. It could be family, friends, professionals, teachers, mentors and even unseen or spiritual help. It all fits into this gua. If you have any travel plans or dreams, this is a great place to energize them as well.

The Helpful People area of your space is energized by the Metal element. Metal is just that ... gold, silver, brass, aluminum, etc., as well as the colors white and gray, circular and oval shapes,  petroleum and things made from petroleum (plastics) and substances dug from deep within the ground (gemstones, rocks, boulders).
Metal element is an "organizing" element. It is also about clarity. When Metal is balanced, you can easily sort information and experiences into patterns. You are more likely to have clear thoughts, be focused and communicate effectively.
When Metal is deficient you may feel unprotected, find it hard to focus, have little or no routine, and lack a sense of purpose. Excess Metal manifests as criticism and judgments, perfectionism, obsessive compulsive behavior, as well as sarcasm, aloofness and indifference. When Metal is out of balance you may feel anxious, anguished and easily cry. If you identify with these feelings, check your space and see what you notice.

The Metal element is about precision, organization, order and focus. Metals like to solve puzzles and bring order through rules and guidelines. The organs associated with Metal are the Lung and Large Intestine. If you are experiencing any difficulty with breathing, intestinal issues, skin conditions or rashes, balancing your Helpful People gua may strengthen your health.

Interestingly enough, today I worked in a house where the Metal element was extremely out of balance ... all white walls and ceilings along with gray and light colored floors. The house is a rental and painting is not allowed. My suggestion was to add color and texture to balance all of the white ... via pillows, plants, art work, area rugs, and table cloth. 

If you are feeling lost or confused about any of this and you would like some help, contact me.


Q: Do you think that that Yoga is Feng Shui for the body or is there additional work that you can do?

A: Yoga definitely has an element of feng shui for the body, since feng shui is all about chi movement and chi development. We have several ways of correlating your body to your house. We do this by overlaying the chakras, body parts, the Five Elements and your organ network, as well as house systems.

Here's a bagua overlaying the chakras, body parts and organs. You can lay this on your land, your house and every room in your house.

The Bagua and Your Body


Hips, Thighs, Buttocks, Small Bones, Respiration
Root Chakra

Fame & Reputation

Eyes, Heart, Small Intestine, Circulation
Crown Chakra
Stomach, Spleen,
Immune System
Heart Chakra
Family & Ancestors
Feet, Big Bones, Liver, Gall Bladder
Sacral Chakra
Overall Health


Children & Joy
Teeth, Throat, Colon, Lungs,
Large Intestine, Skin
Throat Chakra
Hands, Back, Shoulders
Brow Chakra
Career & Life Path
Ears, Kidneys, Body Fluids, Reproduction
Solar Plexus
Helpful People & Travel
Head, Brain
Chakra 6' above Head

...... Place Entrance along this row .....

Here's a view correlating the bagua to your body:

 Body Image
Another aspect is correlating your body systems to your house as follows:
  • 4 Corners of the lot: the 4 limbs
  • Air conditioning, heating, gas: breathing and respiration  
  • Doors: voice of adults
  • Electrical systems: heart and nervous system
  • Main entrance and foyer: Head
  • Plumbing: excretory system, circulation
  • Roof and beams: spine; top of roof is also top of head
  • Sewage: urinary tract / digestion
  • Walls: skin
  • Windows: eyes (also the voice of children)
We also look at your house as a mirror image of your body... standing up straight, upside down as well as laying fall with your arms and legs spread out. The various patterns paint a picture and often multiple patterns emerge that follow a particular    theme.
I found vaBeforerious patterns in my house last month that correlated with my eye. These included: my fame gua having too much physical wood energy, the furniture arrangement mimicking a Wood pattern (columns, rows), a foggy sliding door that mirrors the pattern in my eyes, windows that need repair due to age and water damage at my front door (falls opposite the fame gua).
I re-arranged the furniture and added Fire and MetaAfterl energy to reduce the over-abundance of Wood. We're in the process of getting price quotes to repair our doors and windows. The doors will happen first and the windows at a later date. I also strengthened Fame by hanging a 40mm crystal in the back center of the room and relocating some bird feeders and wind chimes outside the windows. Our Christmas tree also added some Fire over the holidays!

All of this can be overwhelming for the average person. This is why it is helpful to work with a feng shui practitioner when you are trying to correct specific problems. Each of us is blind to our own spaces. In my situation, I identified several of the adjustments right away and a colleague helped me with the rest. Even feng shui practitioners call professional for added help in our own spaces.

Yasha Jampolsky writes an excellent Four Pillars forecast each month. Four Pillars of Destiny is the Chinese astrology system that relates to the time and date you were born. Your animal year is often on placements in Chinese restaurants. 2012 is the year of the Yang Water Dragon. 


Yasha writes... "The Dragon is the 5th archetype in the Chinese cycle of twelve. Opportunities for wealth, vitality and enhanced creativity abound for those who are ready to hear the Dragon's call; and a whisper it isn't. Prepare yourself for fast paced out-of-your-hands exciting times. All things are super sized, prone to fanfare and filled with surprise during this Water Dragon year. How exciting it gets is up to you. The Dragon's interests know no bounds. Her greatest passion is to make things happen. The Dragon's deep connection to the natural order brings an understanding that life requires forward movement in all the realms. From the Dragon's point of view ..." click here to read more.

Upcoming Events

Begin 2012 on a Positive Note!

Join: The Art of Conscious Language Teleclass 

Madeline    Peg     
Thursdays, January 19 & 26, 2012

2:00 - 3:15pm Eastern Time / 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Pacific Time

Your language heavily impacts what happens in your life! This two-hour program focuses specifically on language and how you can create more prosperity by consciously choosing your words. As you talk to yourself and others, what energy are you creating? What stories are you telling? What patterns are you reinforcing? Language is a big key to creating more prosperity. Facilitators Peg Donahue and Madeline Gerwick will provide you several new ways to choose your words with care to create more prosperity.

12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery Workshops
Peg and Karen 

Saturdays: Jan 21, 28 and Feb 4
Location: Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
9:30 am - 12:30pm

Create a powerful foundation for your health, happiness and prosperity in 2012 by:
  • Aligning your energy with your intentions and resolutions
  • Using energetic techniques to dissolve your obstacles
  • Managing your energy to reduce stress, improve relationships and balance your life.
12 Keys for Life Mastery combines timeless philosophy, quantum theory and cutting edge discoveries in neuroscience, to empower you to erase the inner blocks to your success and materialize your goals, dreams, desires, and aspirations. Join Peg Donahue and Karen Kallie at Just Naturals in Bedford, NH on 3 Saturday mornings to help you embrace easy techniques to help you develop strong, abundant and coherent energy.
Register with Just Naturals

Girls Night Out!
Just Naturals, Bedford, NH

Just Naturals
January 26, 2012
3:00pm - 7:00pm
This is a fun evening to take a time-out and pamper yourself or to just stop by and say "Hi!" Several services are complimentary, including 15 minute feng shui consultations.

Introduction to Feng Shui Red Envelopes
Mark Your Calendar . . .
6 week program begins Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Runs through May 16 no . . . no class April 25.
6:30 - 8:30pm

I've been teaching this program for over 10 years. It's an excellent program to learn the basics of feng shui and apply them to your own space. If you've tried to learn feng shui on your own and ended up unsure or confused, join this class. It's fun and informative.

School for Continuing Education
Salem High School, Salem, NH
Register with Karen Crandell: 603 893-7074

Consultations and Related Services 

Please contact me if you are interested in:

Feng Shui Consultation,
Space Clearing or Personal Clearing, 
Answers to questions via phone or email,
Personal Empowerment Coaching Sessions
Emotional Freedom & Healing Tapping Release session
Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology
one or more Coaching Sessions on any topic I cover
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely.
EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.

January Special:

Helpful People & Travel Gua Phone Consultations
Send a digital photo and floor plan
$45/half hour

603 537-9954

In this Issue:
Prosperity Affirmation:
"I live in an abundant universe and I benefit from it daily."


Do you know someone living in a dorm or a small space?
Dorm Room Feng Shui  provides simple suggestions to help you tune into the energy of your space and optimize your success.

Chakras & Feng Shui:
Balancing Inner and Outer Space
Chakras & Feng Shui
This 6 CD set recorded by Karen Kallie and Peg Donahue combines two ageless wisdom traditions. Learn how to read and adjust the patterns of your inner and outer energy. Program includes guides meditations and a manual you can print.
Available here

Spektral Evidence
Click the link for an informational interview with Hudson, NH cable TV

Favorite Astrology Perspectives


Other Links of Interestt


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Contact Us

Peg (603) 537-9954

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