Feng Shui Connections October News
Published: Tue, 10/18/11
October 2011
Hello Everyone,
Are major shifts continuing for you as we move deeper into the fall? You may be experiencing them in yourself, your home, your business, your family and relationships. Anywhere and everywhere you are. Change is constant and inevitable. What we have control over is our perception of it and reaction to it. I am finding our foliage quite interesting this year. The muted colors and slower changes are a nice backdrop to what sometimes seems like chaos on the world stage. Riding through NH's White Mountains this past weekend I noticed an absence of red. Lots of yellow and gold leaves, some spots of orange and little or no red. On an energetic level, maybe this is a sign of things to come. Yellow is an earth color and earth energy is about nurturing ...caring for ourselves and others. We are at that point in the acceleration of consciousness where we have to recognize that we are all in this together. What we do to one, we do to all. According to Carl Calleman, the 3,000 year old Mayan calendar ends this month on October 28, 2011. We've had lots of time to prepare for this. Although much has already shifted, more needs to get done. Thus we may continue to see a rapid deterioration of systems and structures that do not support global unity. Rather than be frightened by this, just figure out what you can do to help make the world a better place every day and then do it. The change begins within ourselves and then extends to those closest to us ... family, friends, colleagues, community, etc. The Occupy Wall Street movement is one of the latest examples of shifts. Everyone involved would be well served to take positive, forward moving action. Rather than complain, you can express yourself through the power of the purse and every day activity. If you don't like big business, buy local. If you don't like goods made overseas, purchase those made in America. If you don't like your job or who you work for, connect with people you respect who are also making a difference. The more that each of us IS the change we wish to see, we will live be living lives that we truly love. Accept responsibility for yourself and your choices. To assist you along this path, tune into the energy of your home and workplace. This month, the Prosperity area is the sector to work with. Read more in the Feng Shui Tips section below. |
Smart Meter Alert ... Pay Attention to How YOU Feel
A friend of
mine recently shared her experience related to a "smart meter" being installed
on her home. This is a type of meter that the power company can read remotely
rather than send "meter readers" around. Within hours my friend felt nauseous
and very dizzy. She thought she was coming down with the flu. Her brain felt
fuzzy and she didn't sleep well. Rather than sitting and working at her computer
for 2 to 3 hours at a time, she could only sit for 2 to 3 minutes, even though
her computer was located on the opposite side of the house, far away from the meter.
At the same time she noticed a burning sensation in her ears and cheeks and her
hands felt arthritic. Requiring persistence,
she worked with her power company and the meter was removed. Her adverse
symptoms also went away.
This example of electromagnetic sensitivity is
becoming more common. As more and more smart meters are placed on homes, people
sensitive to this type of energy will feel the effects. If you happen to be one
of them, speak up. No company has the right to make you sick. It is a matter of
communicating the situation to the right person and having it rectified. My
friend's husband, by the way, is not sensitive to these energies. He did not notice
any adverse effect when the meter was installed. Once it was removed, however,
he noticed that the house felt different, that is felt better. Each of us reads
and reacts to subtle energy in different ways. Tune in and pay attention to how
you feel.
Two factors that influence your health that you can manage are the foods you eat and
the condition of living environment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A new paper published online this week in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine indicates that children and small adults absorb higher levels of cell phone radiation than previously understood. The SAR (Standard Absorption Rate) standards are outdated and need to change. Read the summary and take action if you are moved to do so.
To learn about radiation levels of the cell phone you use, go to the CNET website. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
UPCOMING EVENTSLiving Energy Workshop
Practice Heart-Centered Gratitude with KAREN KALLIEWednesday, October 26, 2011
6:45- 8:45pm
Location: Just Naturals, Bedford, NH
Call: 603 606-1345 to Register
Workshop: Personal Empowerment:
9 Tips for Creating Subtle & Effective Support at Work! Presenter: Peg Donahue Place: Nichols College, Dudley, MA Date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Time: 3-8pm Registration Fee: $25.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Consultations and Related Services
Please contact me if you are interested in:
a Feng Shui Consultation,
a Space Clearing or Personal Clearing,
answers to questions via phone or email, an Emotional Freedom & Healing Tapping Release session Nine Star Ki or Four Pillars of Destiny Astrology one or more Coaching Sessions on any topic I cover
a Presentation, Workshop, or Class
I work onsite as well as remotely. EF&H and coaching sessions are generally via telephone.
Consultations are tailored to your needs.
Misc ...
Prosperity Affirmation: "All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BLOG POSTS In addition to my Feng Shui Connections Blog (which you receive automatically if you are on this mailing list), I also blog for Living Energy every Tuesday,Thursday and
occasional Saturdays.There you will find an array of information as well as tools and techniques related to strengthening and balancing your inner energy and tips to create a life you love living.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Living in a
small space?
provides simple suggestions to help you arrange your living area to optimize your success. Strengthening Your Inner Energy for Well-Being ... Watch for the next launch of my new Personal Energy Empowerment Series with Karen Kallie and Tony Pace: Sacred Truths. It will soon be available as a download and as a CD.
Favorite Astrology Perspectives: Simone Butler Carol Ciocco Joseph Crane Mark Borax Madeline Gerwick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Other Links of Interest: The Daily Good www.dailygood.org The Good News Network Creating A Healthy Home Healthy, Safe Consumer Products http://www.ewg.org/about |
Embrace your true self in a
healthy, supportive and nurturing
Contact Peg Donahue at
603 537-9954 or peg@fengshuiconnections.com
for a consultation or related services. |