Feng Shui Connections July News
Published: Tue, 07/26/11
JULY 2011
Hello and Welcome!
After co-founding and running The Center for Feng Shui and Intuitive Arts for the past six years, I am turning the program over the Katina Lemay and returning to my roots with Feng Shui Connections and Living Energy. This is an ideal time to do so. As our daughter heads off to college in September, Jack and I are looking forward to more flexibility while pursuing activities that interest us dearly. I plan to continue consulting, coaching and writing ... helping people create supportive and healthy living and working environments. I will also continue to offer workshops, teach a variety of classes, and train and mentor feng shui practitioners.
Within Living Energy, Karen Kallie, Tony Pace and I are very excited about our upcoming Energy Empowerment Series that will launch in September. This is a series of 12 single recordings with guided meditations to help each of us strengthen our energy from the inside out. I often say that "the work is always on ourselves" and it is. Your environment and your interactions with the people around you provide you lots of clues about where you need to make adjustments in your life. It's up to each of us to figure it out and take action. That's where I come in. I love helping you bring clarity and positive energy to your space and your life. I have truly enjoyed everyone I've connected with since beginning Feng Shui Connections in 2001and I look forward to continuing the journey. In addition to this monthly newsletter where I'll post events and comment about topics that may interest you, I'll be blogging regularly. You are welcome to subscribe and also follow me on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In. I only post when I have something relevant to share.
Many of you have mentioned how much you enjoy the photos in each newsletter. Jack will continue to provide these and I promise that they will be as eclectic as ever! |
More and more information is available at your fingertips daily about making the best decisions for your overall health and well-being. Some of my recent favorites include:
The Environmental Working Group's Sunscreen report
...very comprehensive! There are so many sunscreens on the market with a
wide variety of claims that choosing the right one for you can be
overwhelming. Use your smartphone to make the process easier as you
Green America's story about 9 Toxin's to Avoid in Personal Care Products.
Learn about some of the hidden ingredients that can contribute to adverse reactions and health problems. For safer and healthier choices, check out the products at Just Naturals or your favorite natural product provider.
Cindy Sage's perspective about recent cell phone and EMF news. The mainstream press is catching on to dangers of all of us being saturated with increasing density and strengths of radio frequency electromagnetic fields 24 hours a day. Although we have a lot to learn about all of this, children and the elderly are at the highest risk. The public conversation needs to change so that we can fairly and accurately determine the real impact of our modern communications, tools and conveniences on our health. Let's use our consumer power to support objective research and make these products safer for everyone. |
Embrace your true self in a
healthy, supportive and nurturing
Contact Peg Donahue at
603 537-9954 or peg@fengshuiconnections.com
for a consultation or related services. |