Hello, April
is likely to be a very active month. We have a beneficial full moon on April 6th and a solar eclipse accompanying the new moon on April 20th. The themes for the month are new beginnings and transformations. A unique situation is having a second new moon in Aries. Thus, the area of your home to work with is the Career gua. Go a bit deeper this month and refresh the various center-front areas throughout your home and workspace. Mercury goes retrograde on April 21st through May 14th. This is a good time for spring cleaning. Paper is often one of the things that accumulates. This Huffington Post article summarizes documents to keep and those
to toss. Check it out if your paper piles are getting ahead of you. Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 5 and Easter is Sunday, April 9th. Enjoy these holidays and rites of spring, if you celebrate. Stay well and enjoy April! Peg |
April Feng Shui Forecast … Career Gua April 6: Full Moon April 20: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Aries April 21: Mercury Retrograde through May 14th April 2023 is a month for new beginnings! The energy is all about new opportunities and fresh starts. It’s early spring. Each day in my area I can see new growth on the trees and soon we’ll see plants emerging from the soil. What’s emerging for you? Are any new beginnings, projects, opportunities, or insights capturing your interest and attention? This season is supported cosmically by the sign of Aries, which marks the beginning of a new astrological year. This year we are blessed with two consecutive new moons in Aries. New moons are about new beginnings. The March 21st new moon was at the very beginning of the sign (zero degrees) and the April 20th new moon is at the very end of the sign (29 degrees Aries, 50 minutes, out of 30 degrees), along
with a solar eclipse. A second new moon in the same sign, in the same month, is a unique situation.
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Mercury Retrograde April 21st Through May 14th
Mercury will be retrograde April 21st – May 14, 2023, in the sign of Taurus. This cycle occurs three to four times annually for about three to four weeks. It’s a time to slow down, review what’s happening and let go of what’s no longer
serving you. It’s a time to pause and reset. It’s also a great time for vacation. This is because you’re less likely to be bothered by delays.
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Feng Shui and Your Health
Feng shui is the art and science of adjusting your space to enhance your life. This includes your mental and physical health. Are you aware of how your emotions, your body parts, and your organ networks relate to your space? Making adjustments to the area that correlate with your health would be very supportive for you. Taking action might improve health
outcomes. Familiarize yourself with the Health Bagua. You may print a copy from the Resources page on my website.
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New Q&A Service
Are you curious about feng shui or how to bring your space into alignment with your goals and intentions? Do you have one or more questions you’d like answered
without having a full consultation? If so, send your questions along and I’ll answer them for you in either a written reply, a short recording or a 15-minute Zoom or Facetime call. Send along your question(s) and supporting information such as a photo or a floor plan, if they would be helpful. One question is $49.00, two questions are $80.00 and three questions are $99.00. I’ll send an invoice for online (or other) payment. If a particular cure or adjustment is required, you may be asked to send along red envelopes as well. If so, this will be explained after I hear from you. Questions might relate to placement of furniture, best placement for a mirror, the type of mirror to use, supportive colors, desk placement, adjustments to a particular area to support your intentions, clarification about conflicting information you may have heard, etc. For example:
What are some ways to energize my Career gua to support finding a new job? (Send one or more photos of your Career gua for review.) Help! I don’t sleep well. What feng shui adjustment
would help me? (Include a photo of your bed and bedroom.) I’d like to attract a partner. What feng shui adjustments do you recommend? Send your questions to me at peg@fengshuiconnections.com.
Save 20% on a customized Emotional Freedom & Healing session this month. Instead of $195.00, you'll pay $156.00. Done via phone, this is an effective way to release stuck, emotional energy and patterns that are holding you back. The session is also recorded, so tht you can repeat it at any time. Mention the April
newsletter to receive the discounted price. Contact Peg to arrange a mutually convenient time for your session.
Prosperity Study GroupApril Topics
Every Wednesday evening, Madeline Gerwick and I host a half hour Study Group on Zoom to help participants strengthen prosperity attraction skills presented in our book Money Is an Energy Game. Currently we're reading and reviewing one chapter each week. During April we'll cover Chapters 8 - 11. The topics include: building wealth, the Art of Prosperous Language and the connections between sleep and prosperity. We invite you to join us. We meet weekly for thirty minutes at 6:00 PM Pacific / 9:00 PM Eastern. Attend as you're able. Participation is free. The weekly sessions are live, and are not recorded to maintain everyone's privacy. If you're interested in joining this group, please let us know. We'll add you to the list and include you in the Study Group communications. Send an email to join the group: win@moneyisanenergygame.com If you're on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, follow Madeline and Peg's Money Tips for timely reminders to help you cultivate prosperity and strengthen your prosperity development skills.
If you have not done so, I recommend that you sign up for Focused Life Force Energy for 15 days on your home and then 15 days on your phone. No payment information is needed, and you’ll get a month for free! During each 15-day cycle, tune
in and pay attention to what happens. Notice how you feel, how problems are solved, the communications and interactions you have with family and friends, the opportunities that come your way and more. Notice how you sleep, if you have more energy, and if you feel lighter and happier, among other things. If you're already a member, remember to do the daily boost for a nice energy lift.
Flagship subscribers for Property or FLFE Everywhere can now do two boosts a day. Check it out on your subscription page. One of my favorite FLFE features is EMF harmonization. Our spaces are saturated with EMFs these days and the FLFE service mitigates their harmful effects. It’s worth having it. In a survey from fall 2021, 84% of respondents reported the benefits to be as expected or greater than they expected. The results
indicate that FLFE is having a positive effect for most users. Additional research will explore how and why FLFE works. In the meantime, check it out for yourself, if you haven't already done so. I've had FLFE in place for serveral years. I find that it contributes to a calm, comfortable, and relaxing environment ... of course, feng shui helps too!
Client Testimonial Peg’s Work is
Conscientious and Thorough
"Peg Donahue is a remarkable and knowledgable woman. She began teaching me things long before I started my work with her. Her work is conscientious and thorough. She has helped bring our whole family, our home, and our lives into alignment through conscious placement, choices, and words. Every time we begin to make the changes
that she has suggested, things begin to shift. Emails begin pouring in and the phone starts ringing. The energy of our work, our communication, and relationships has more ease, refinement, and clarity. I highly recommend Peg. Her brilliance and insight is invaluable." AS, NH