- January 2nd: New Moon in Capricorn
- January 14th: Mercury Retrograde through February 3rd
- January 17th: Full Moon
What a great way to begin the month and year! With the new moon in Capricorn, you might find yourself focused on your direction and goals. Capricorn energy helps you to focus on responsibility, duty, vision, long-term planning, and achievements. Capricorn is a practical, grounded, and determined Earth sign. Use the momentum of January 2nd new moon to get organized and to do some planning for 2022. You can revisit, reconsider, and revise your resolutions and goals during the
upcoming Mercury Retrograde cycle.
Do Some Long Term Planning
This is an ideal time to do long term planning, to organize and to add structure to what you’d love to manifest. Sit in a comfortable spot and do a meditation, long enough to fully relax and feel your energy flow. Pay attention to what floats into your consciousness. Then get a cup of tea, coffee, or beverage of your choice and a pad of paper or a notebook. Write about your vision, intentions, and goals. Include as many details as you can. Define who, what, where, how, and when things will
get done. Know that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Anticipate and expect help from “unseen” sources as you go along.
Alternatively, create a vision board. This is a fun process where you place images, words, art, and other representations of your desires on a poster board, bulletin board, your wall or any surface your desire. Suspend doubt about how something might manifest and fast forward to the end result of having or experiencing it. Really feel it and believe you can have it. Your job is to decide what you’d love to be, do, or have and allow the Universe to help get it done. Vision boards are powerful.
They work!
Check out Susannah Conway’s annual “Unravel Your Year.” It’s an excellent planning guide.